

Art is a journey. My journey began with the love of Color. This passion was ignited upon discovering the medium of pastels. The vibrant, high chroma pigments and gorgeous, nuanced neutrals offer a fantastic opportunity for painterly expression. 

Having worked with Oil Paints, I could translate many of the same techniques to pastels, including underpainting, layering, and glazing. Using pastels ranging from very hard to very soft creates a limitless medium.

I enjoy working in both the non-representational realm and occasionally in realism. The process for each is the same in that I am usually inspired to create a group of paintings based on what inspires me at the time. It can be something simple such as a particular shape, contour, or line that I see in nature or everyday items. The old masters’ paintings also inspire me, even for non-representational works. I also enjoy creating emotional narratives and pairing them with limited color palettes.

I am intrigued by bringing these ideas to the substrate and working within its borders. Living within those borders and creating new views and perspectives is very fulfilling.

Karen White Pastel Artist
Art has taught me so much. One is that things take time. Weeks, sometimes months, pass getting a painting or collection right. That is in complete conflict with the paint it today – post-it today pressures. The muse unfolds the path at her pace. Getting through one’s process is almost a total surrender, but it’s so much easier to trust in it. Creating art creates joy. As an artist, I aim to channel that joy into authentic mark-making and share the wonderful world of pastels with the viewer. I hope you enjoy viewing my paintings, and I look forward to sharing my colorful world with you!

Karen White

KarenWPaints Artist

"Mere Color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways."

Oscar Wilde
Karen White Pastel Artist

Looking for Original Paintings?

Send us a message and I will email the originals I have available for purchase.